New Content
- New survivors: Mia and David from Evil Dead 2013
- New demon: Plaguebringer
- New weather effect: Blood Rain
- New weapons: Syringe and Nailgun
- New mission: Weekend at Knowby's with rewards (3 new screamers)
- Now missions can be played without following the numeric order
- Now the cars receive damage/second during the Dark Ones and the Necronomicon phases
New Feature
- Map selection in Exploration Mode
Balance Updates
- The lever action rifle now uses handgun ammo
- Mini Eligos’ Thunderstruck attack has increased velocity
- Warlord’s Elite Unit’s light attack is faster now
- More aggressive AI now interrupts its taunts to attack
- Increased possibility of the AI performing special attacks
- Necromancer now can’t spawn a second Flutist while the first one is still active
- More Infernal Energy Orbs in Caravans and Cabin map
- The minimum distance between objectives has increased to avoid them spawning very close by
- After an objective, the Demon gets expelled closer to the next objective
- Reduced high rarity drops on common boxes
- Reduced the rarity of hidden weapons
- Reduced the number of hidden weapons on the Army of Darkness map
- Reduced Shemp's and Amulet spawn in Castle Kandar
- Reduced the amount of spawned cars on all maps
- Increased Necronomicon health by 5%
- Storm now closes 50 additional meters
- Decrease the max amount of Shemp’s Cola taken by Mini Ashes trap from 2 to 1
- Reduced Ed Getley Crossbow specialist Damage from 10% to 5%
- Increased Ed Getley "It's a trap" Cooldown from 90s to 110s
- Increased Henry the Red "Unstoppable" Cooldown from 60s to 75s
- Survivor Skill Stunning Strike damage reduced from 20% (lv3) to 15% (lv3)
- Survivor Skill Blunt Force Trauma damage reduced from 15% (lv1), 30% (lv2) to 5% (lv1), 10% (lv2)
- Survivor Skill Seeing Stars damage reduced from 10% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 25% (lv3) to 5% (lv1), 10% (lv2), 15% (lv3)
- Survivor Leader Health has been increased from 1000 to 1150
- Demon Threat Level increased for basic unit possession from 5 to 15
- Demon Threat Level increased for elite unit possession from 20 to 45
- Demon Threat Level increased for Trap from 1 to 1.25
- Demon Threat Level increased for Tree from 1 to 1.25
- Demon Threat Level increased for Elite Trap from 1 to 1.25
- Demon Threat Level increased for Evil Tree from 1 to 1.25
- Demon Threat Level increased for Screamer from 0.6 to 1.25
- Demon Threat Level increased for Deer Head from 1 to 1.25
- Portals energy cost reduction in events for Create Basic Portal, Create Elite Portal & Summon Boss increased from 20% to 30%
- Cooldown reduction of portals in objectives Page, Dagger, Dark Ones & Necronomicon increased from 15% to 30%
- Energy regenerations in events Page & Dagger increased from 25s to 30s
- Energy regenerations in events Dark Ones increased from 15s to 20s
- Energy regenerations in events Necronomicon increased from 20s to 30s
- Dark Ones demon bonus area radius increased from 24m to 30m
- Warlord possessed basic unit balance damage increased from 325 to 400
- Puppeteer possessed basic unit balance damage increased from 270 to 350
- Necromancer possessed basic unit balance damage increased from 350 to 400
- Warlord possessed basic / elite unit headshot damage reduced 180% / 150% to 125%
- Puppeteer possessed basic / elite unit headshot damage reduced 180% / 150% to 125%
- Necromancer possessed basic / elite unit headshot damage reduced 180% / 150% to 125%
- Warlord Boss Unit health increased from 4500 to 5000, Elite units (non-possessed) health increased from 560 to 660
- Puppeteer Boss Unit health increased from 2500 to 3000, Elite units (non-possessed) health increased from 480 to 580
- Necromancer Boss Unit health increased from 4000 to 4500, Elite units (non-possessed) health increased from 480 to 580
- Damage to evil energy while possessing a car when crashing into a Survivor reduced from 65% to 30%
- Damage to evil energy while possessing a car when attacked increased from 10% to 20%
- Car damage to Survivors increased from 200 to 250
- Warlord Skill Demonic Revival increased from 2% (lv1), 5% (lv2) to 15% (lv1), 20% (lv2)
- Warlord Skill Pain Parasite (Basic unit) increased from 5% (lv1), 10% (lv2) to 10% (lv1), 20% (lv2)
- Warlord Skill Pain Parasite (Elite unit) increased from 0% (lv1), 10% (lv2) to 10% (lv1), 20% (lv2)
- Warlord Skill Hemophobia reduced from 1 (lv1), 2 (lv2), 5 (lv3) to 1 (lv1), 2 (lv2), 3 (lv3)
- Warlord Skill Too Grossed Out to Dodge reduced from 5s to 4s
- Warlord Skill Too Grossed Out to Run reduced from 5s to 4s
- Warlord "Bad influence" health increased from 20% to 100%
- Warlord "Bad influence" damage increased from 20% to 30%
- Warlord "Bad influence" cooldown increased from 30s to 60s
- Warlord "Really bad influence I" attack frequency reduced from 10% to 5%
- Warlord "Really bad influence II" attack frequency reduced from 20% to 10%
- Warlord "Really bad influence III" attack frequency reduced from 30% to 15%
- Warlord units damage with basic attacks to Necronomicon reduced from 100% to 75%
- Warlord basic unit: Puke duration reduced from 3s to 2s
- Warlord basic unit: Puke damage increased from 70 to 90
- Puppeteer Skill Health raiser: Basic increased from 5% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 30% (lv3) to 20% (lv1), 25% (lv2), 35% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Health raiser: Elite increased from 5% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 30% (lv3) to 20% (lv1), 25% (lv2), 35% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Rocksteady: Elite increased from 5% (lv1), 10& (lv2), 15% (lv3) to 15% (lv1), 20% (lv2), 35% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Heavy damage: Basic increased from 2% (lv1), 5% (lv2), 10% (lv3) to 10% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 20% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Heavy damage: Elite increased from 2% (lv1), 5% (lv2), 10% (lv3) to 10% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 20% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Heavy damage: Boss increased from 2% (lv1), 5% (lv2), 10% (lv3) to 10% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 20% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Easy Access increased from 5% (lv1), 10% (lv2), 15% (lv3) to 10% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 20% (lv3)
- Puppeteer Skill Possession Extension increased from 5% (lv1), 10% (lv2), 15% (lv3) to 10% (lv1), 15% (lv2), 20% (lv3)
- Puppeteer "Puppet Master: Power possess" Cooldown reduced from 90s to 60s
- Puppeteer "Puppet Master: Power possess" extra health increased from 40% to 80%
- Necromancer Skill Skeletal Injury reduced from 10% to 5%
- Necromancer Flute to kill: Cooldown increased from 75s to 80s
- Necromancer Skill Relentless evil reduced from 5% (lv1), 10% (lv2), 20% (lv3) to 2% (lv1), 5% (lv2), 10% (lv3)
- Flute skeleton duration reduced from 75s to 70s
- Players can no longer duplicate amulets and "Shemps Cola"
- Players can no longer duplicate items simultaneously by pressing “Drop” and “Drop all”
- Players can no longer drop items while being attacked by Mini Ashes Trap, Hand Trap, and during Finisher animations
- Demon upgrades apply correctly to every unit skill (previously, some of them weren’t correctly applied)
- Demon receives the correct damage to its Evil Energy while possessing a car
- You can no longer drop the weapon and open the map during the possession animation
- Now the cars receive damage/second during the Dark Ones and the Necronomicon phases
- The Necronomicon can no longer be attacked before its timer starts
- Survivor is no longer able to continue in an infinite Bleeding Out
- Survivor is no longer able to attack during the Bleeding Out
- The Survivor’s ability cooldown can no longer be stuck at 0 after being possessed by the Demon while activating the active ability
- Demi-Eligos’ clone no longer disappears after spawning
- Fixed the non-damage attacks for Warlord and Puppeteer Boss Units to Necronomicon (now their abilities inflict damage to the Necronomicon)
- Fixed video stuttering after the player kills Evil Ash on Mission 5
- Ranged weapons model no longer disappears from the player’s hands
- Caravans map no longer freezes in an area near Dead End on Xbox One and PS4
- Fixed objective in Caravans without pick-up prompt
- Players can no longer walk in the air if their vaulting animation is interrupted by a demon scare portal trap
- Ranged weapon’s crosshair no longer stays on screen after dying during the Necronomicon phase
- Hunter’s “Light Therapy” skill can no longer be unlocked without spending skill points at the second tier
- When in Solo Mode, players will no longer freeze during the Dark Ones banishing animation
- Survivors no longer have issues reviving their teammates if they start doing it while running
- Fixed the cost of portals not being reduced during the Necronomicon phase
- Fix for Clara pond objective bug
- Various stability fixes
- Various fixes for navigation and environment locations where players get stuck