- Melee damage no longer increases for Lord Arthur's active ability.
- Ranged damage no longer increases every time Annie activates her ability.
- Ruby's passive healing stops working when she's possessed.
- Ruby's passive healing heals the correct value.
- Fixed Ed Getley's ability "It's a Trap" to deactivate portal traps placed by the Demon.
- Survivors will be unable to shoot off the head of possessed Elite units before they get to 0 HP.
- Fixed when players could not successfully resurrect AI Survivors on altars.
- Fixed Puppeteer's "Power Possess" ability cooldown.
- The effects of "Puppeteer Master: Damage Done" now disappear after unpossessing a survivor inside Ash or Ruby's aura.
- The first attack after Special Attack can now damage Basic and Elite Deadites.
- Evil Ash can no longer interrupt stunning animation by dodging.
- Demon won't be able to set a double trap at the same place on Ye Olde S-Market on the Army of Darkness Map.
- Freezes no longer happen when a player tries to upgrade two characters' Prestige levels in a row.
- Fixed freezes or crashes when changing party leader.
- Fixed aiming camera being briefly reset after a certain set of movements.
- Fixed issues with Skill Point settings for some players in the Collection.
- Messages showing if a friend is online will disappear from the screen after a while.
- Updated Pit Deadites' 3D model.
Splatter Royale
- Fixed long wait at the end of the lobby countdown.
- Fixed getting disconnected if players have a really slow connection in Splatter Royale.
- Fixed a matchmaking issue where players canceled matchmaking.
- Fixed character physics in Splatter Royale's Spectator Mode.
- Now all players get into Spectator Mode after dying in Splatter Royale, regardless of if they died in a car, by world enemies, or by the storm.
- Improved the visibility of how other players with fear appear or disappear in the Splatter Royale's minimap.
- Pickups spawned after killing a player in Splatter Royale mode will have more space between them to make them easier to collect.
- The camera will not shake in spectator mode in Splatter Royale.
- The Splatter Royale kill feed is now fully translated into all languages.