New Features
- New Prestige System
- New Photo Mode button (hudless settings option) in Exploration Mode
- All Survivors locked behind missions are now available
- New skill for Lord Arthur, "Weapon Master: Sword" (LVL 10)
- Combined Lord Arthur's "Weapon Master: Heavy Attacks" and "Weapon Master: Fast Attacks" into one, "Weapon Master: Melee Attacks” (LVL 1)
- Survivors no longer fall under the map after getting over from a car that is standing upright on two wheels
- Mission 2 "Party Down!" can always be completed regardless of where the last deadite in Dead End encounter spawns
- The Blacksmith's Scraps bar no longer displays grayed/not available if the player picks up a Scrap when the active ability icon is grayed/not available
- Minimap rotation option no longer turns off for a Survivor in a vehicle and the Demon in spirit form
- Berserker's model no longer remains frozen when a player shoots it in the body during the "Head Rush" animation
- Annie Knowby can now perform special attacks and finishers while her ability is active
- Metal Scraps now drop from Pit Deadites
- The camera now doesn't get stuck inside the boss unit
- The vault prompt now appears at all angles and distances
- Mia now deals additional damage after using her active ability in solo modes
- Various collisions, getting stuck, and pickup spawn fixes
- Henry the Red’s Unstoppable cooldown has increased from 75s to 100s
- Blacksmith Weapon Master: Melee damage decreased from 30% to 25%
- Blacksmith Rough and Ready damage decreased from 15% to 10%
- Blacksmith Rough and Ready cooldown increased from 30s to 40s
- David’s Soda Pop Defense decreased from 30% to 20%
- David’s Beacon of Hope fear reduction increased from 2s to 2.5s
- Annie Slugger balance to bosses decreased from 100% to 60%
- Arthur Weapon Master: Melee Attacks damage 30% to 25%
- Increased crossbows and sawgun projectile speed and improved aiming
- Prisoner Skeleton Vicious Circle damage increased from 50 to 60
- Necromancer Flute to Kill cooldown increased from 80s to 95s
- Plaguebringer Wicked Brew cooldown decreased from 120s to 100s
- Plaguebringer Wicked Brew balance defense increased from 30% to 50%
- Pit deadite Corrosive Blast damage increased from 120 to 140
- Pit deadite Filthy Splatter damage increased from 75 to 90
- Pit deadite melee damage resistance increased from 30% to 40%
- Demi Eligos ranged damage resistance increased from 30% to 40%
- Puppeteer Puppet Master: Power Possess cooldown reduction increased from 30% to 40%
- Increased combo speed of Henrietta's light and heavy attacks
- Increased combo speed of Evil Ash heavy attacks
- Increased Necronomicon HP 5%