New Content
- Valley of the Zeke Episode DLC.
- New Playable Characters:
- Zach Austin
- Heather Vaughn
- Eugene Sims
- Mia Sanchez
- Pre-Apocalypse Character Skins Pack DLC.
- Burning Skulls Weapons Skin Pack DLC.
- New Weapon - DE50 Heavy Pistol.
- New Special Zombie - Juggernaut.
- Added Challenge Mode for Rome XL.
- Added Japanese language for PC versions (Steam, EGS, and Microsoft Store).
- New Mutators for Challenge Mode:
- Wild West - everyone gets a free Lever-Action Rifle (primary weapon) and a Revolver (secondary weapon) and can't have any other weapon.
- Matador - dodging Bull charges will reward players with resources; however, if caught, the resources will get lost.
- Epilogue - deadly gas for zombies will be released during the attack on the final gate (once per match).
- Neural Network - all auto-turrets will be equipped with explosive rounds, but their operational time will be reduced by 1 (from 3).
- Homeopathy - using medical items will disable sprinting for 20 seconds.
- Protect Me - if the marked player dies, the former player will lose resources.
- Expired Medicine - the more damage you take, the more medkits you will find, but their healing effect will be reduced by 50%.