
SnowRunner Known Issues

Known issues track the status of reported issues we’ve identified and are currently investigating. Below you can see the status of the current problems. If you’re experiencing something that isn’t listed, please search our knowledge base, and if you don’t find a solution, submit a ticket here.

Please note that below are the top issues we're working to resolve, and some minor issues may not be shown. All fixes and updates will be available in the released patch notes.



Co-op issues - inability to join session / joining 3rd player / offline mode error

🟡 Working on a fix

Xbox: Ground textures missing in coop session

🟡 Working on a fix

Nintendo Switch - game crashes with the error "The software was closed because an error occurred"

🟡 Working on a fix

MacOS - LS-0013 error 

🟡 Working on a fix