Patch Notes

June 27, 2024 - Patch Notes


  • We have made the low fuel indication signal turn on earlier. It now triggers at ¼ of fuel left in the tank.
  • The behavior for the extended marker has been changed: now, when you click the button to set a custom marker, the extended marker will close, the object marker will be colored turquoise, and the path will be rebuilt.
  • Fixed an issue where using a winch with an unlimited angle could cause a gameplay blocker.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could accidentally engage the reverse gear.
  • Increased the steering wheel speed for 200° and 450° profiles.
  • Changed the position for the winch tree in the Mission 5.
  • Reduced the sound for falling stones during the Mission 5.
  • Reduced the amplitude of downward movement of the automatic gate opening lever, for your comfort.
  • Improved the intense moments in the soundtrack.
  • Reduced the duration of the ship’s signals in the Mission 10.
  • Various stability improvements.
  • Various visual and gameplay improvements.