
Teardown Known Issues

Known issues track the status of reported issues we’ve identified and are currently investigating. Below you can see the status for some of them. If you’re experiencing something that isn’t listed, please search our knowledge base or our Discord Server, and if you don’t find a solution, please submit a ticket here.

Please note that below are the top issues we're working to resolve, and some minor issues may not be shown. 


Issue Status
The right stick does not respond to camera movement on consoles
🟡Investigating the issue
For some players, the game launches with a white screen 🟡Investigating the issue
Time Campers DLC
The camera toggles to first-person view when pausing on a horse 🟢 Working on a fix
Destroying voxels in the cutscene is counting for achievements
🟡Investigating the issue
Skybox can appear heavily pixelated 🟡Investigating the issue
A vibration appears again when shooting certain objects with a revolver 🟡Investigating the issue
The reset progress button becomes active after watching the Credits in the TC Menu 🟡Investigating the issue
The horse's body shifts occasionally when riding 🟡Investigating the issue
If the player is hurt while riding a horse, there is no health bar to indicate damage 🟡Investigating the issue
Water disappears when the horse is near the water in the Ravine 🟡Investigating the issue
The best path button is always greyed out in Time Campers 🟡Investigating the issue